Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 1, Discussion 1

Unit 1, Discussion 1

Q Go to Course Information to watch a short video on how to navigate Blackboard to complete this assignment. Here, I provide an example of the 3 parts of the assignment. You might build a document (Word or Google docs) that has the 3 pieces like this, but you need to be sure to put each piece into the correct place in Bb by the deadlines in the Announcements. Note: this example is not an attempt to make a strong argument (because I don’t want to use an example that someone might put into their debate). Pay attention to the structure, not the quality of the argument, in this example). Discussion 1: go to Group Discussion Board, add a thread, paste in your argument. My initial thesis is that it is better for a country to have restricted flows of immigration than to have open borders because then the characteristics of the immigrants doesn’t matter. • Prompt 1: For instance, Skrentny (in 50 years of new migration) said that Congress might have intended for whites to become a minority in the U.S. when they voted for the 1965 immigration act. • Prompt 2: Other people may say that, hyper-selectivity can lead to a higher educated immigrant population, like Asians in the U.S. (see Lee in 50 years of new migration)

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My initial thesis is that it is better for countries to have restricted immigration since a greater influx of immigrants can lead to security concerns and economic pressure on the hosting nation. The debate on open borders vs restricted immigration in the United States has been ongoing for many years. While proponents of open borders argue that it would lead to economic growth and cultural diversity, there are valid reasons to support restricted immigration in the country.